
Procedure descriptions

Voluntary Social Year (FSJ) - apply now

The Voluntary Social Year (FSJ) offers young people the opportunity to get involved in the social sector and gain professional experience at the same time. It consists mainly of practical work. An essential part of the FSJ is the pedagogical accompaniment to support, qualify and educate the volunteers. In addition to support from the organisation during the FSJ, volunteers are obliged to take part in a total of 25 seminar days free of charge.

The FSJ normally begins on 1 August or 1 September and runs until 31 July or 31 August of the following year. An intermediate entryis also possible with many organisations.

The organisations will provide you with detailed advice on the various areas of work and other questions about the FSJ. Your preference for a specific location or area of work will be taken into account.

Responsible department

the sponsoring organisation you would like to work for



  • Completion of compulsory full-time education (usually from the age of 16)
  • maximum 27 years old


You can apply in person, in writing, by telephone or via a contact form directly to the sponsoring organisation (for Germany or abroad) of your choice.

Following your application, you will have an interview with the sponsoring organisation and receive advice on the different areas of assignment.

A work shadowing placement at the intended placement organisation is recommended.

Once you have agreed on the future FSJ assignment with the assignment location, you will conclude a written agreement with the sponsoring organisation in which the objectives of the FSJ as well as the rights and obligations of the volunteer, the assignment location and the sponsoring organisation are regulated.


Applications are possible on an ongoing basis. The current application deadlines can be found on the website of the respective organisation.

Required documents

Enquire with the responsible institution.





Detailed information

  • Website “Freiwilliges Soziales Jahr” of the State Working Group Voluntary Social Year in Baden-Württemberg

Legal basis

  • Gesetz zur Förderung von Jugendfreiwilligendiensten (JFDG)
  • Verwaltungsvorschrift des Sozialministeriums zur Durchführung und Förderung von Maßnahmen im Freiwilligen Sozialen Jahr in Baden-Württemberg (VwV FSJ)

Release note

machine generated, based on the German release by: Sozialministerium Baden-Württemberg, 10.05.2016