
Procedure descriptions

Requesting the participation of children at events

children are subject to special protection. This also applies to cases in which children are to be employed in return for payment.
You can only employ children and young people of full-time school age if you have been granted an exemption from the ban on child labour. Authorisation is required for the employment of:

  • Children aged 3 to 14 inclusive
  • Adolescents aged 15 to 17 inclusive who are still required to attend school

An exemption from employment cannot be granted for children under the age of 3. For young people who are still subject to full-time compulsory schooling, the regulations for children apply. You may only employ children for organisational activities. This includes participation in

  • Theatre performances
  • Musical performances
  • Advertising events
  • Radio and television recordings
  • Film and photo shoots

For the different types of events, you must observe different employment rules depending on the age of the children. The maximum possible working hours are

  • for theatre performances for children over 6 years of age:
    • in the period from 10:00 to 23:00
    • up to 4 hours a day
  • for music performances and other performances, advertising events and recordings on radio and television, on sound and image carriers and for film and photo shoots:
    • for children over 3 years of age
      • up to 2 hours a day
      • in the period from 8:00 to 17:00
    • for children over 6 years
      • up to 3 hours a day
      • in the time from 8.00 am to 10.00 pm

Rehearsals count as working hours and are included in the period of employment. As a rule, you will receive authorisation for a maximum of 30 days per calendar year and child. If the child is also employed at other locations, all working days are added together.
After employment, you must grant the child a period of 14 hours off until the next employment. Attendance at school before the end of this period is not affected by this restriction.
You are responsible for ensuring that the necessary measures are taken to protect the child against risks to life and health and to prevent detrimental physical and mental development before the start of employment. You are also responsible for the care and supervision of the child, even if you assign this task to a supervisor who must be carefully selected, appointed, instructed and monitored by you.

You will not be granted a licence for shows and performances by children:

  • in cabarets
  • in dance halls and similar establishments
  • in amusement parks
  • at funfairs
  • at funfairs and similar events

The application must be submitted to your local trade supervisory authority. The licence is limited in time and can be revoked at any time. The supervisory authority determines how long, at what time and on what day the child may be employed. The duration and location of rest breaks and the maximum duration of daily employment are also determined.
If you employ children without official authorisation, you are liable to prosecution.

Responsible department

The supervisory authorities are usually the district offices or the independent cities (Baden-Baden, Freiburg, Heidelberg, Heilbronn, Karlsruhe, Mannheim, Pforzheim, Stuttgart and Ulm). The supervisory authority in whose district the company in which the young person is employed is located is responsible.



  • You have taken all necessary precautions to protect and supervise the children.
  • You submit the application in good time before taking up employment. Retroactive authorisation is not possible.
  • You comply with the statutory provisions on employment.
  • You have the written consent of the person with parental authority and a medical certificate that is not older than 3 months.
  • You have a certificate from the school stating that your school performance is not jeopardised.





Required documents

  • Application for exemption from the ban on child labour
  • Declaration of consent, i.e. the written consent of the legal guardian
  • medical certificate not older than 3 months
  • Certificate from the school that the child's progress at school is not jeopardised



Processing time



You may only employ the child once you have received notification of authorisation. Retroactive authorisation is not possible. The employment of children without official authorisation is prohibited and can be punished according to the circumstances of the offence in accordance with the fines and penal provisions of the Youth Employment Protection Act.

Legal basis

Jugendarbeitsschutzgesetz (JArbSchG):

  • § 6 Behördliche Ausnahmen für Veranstaltungen

Release note

Machine generated, based on the German release by: Wirtschaftsministerium Baden-Württemberg, 09.12.2024