
Procedure descriptions

Integration courses for foreigners - applying for participation

By taking part in an integration course you will learn to

  • communicate independently in German in everyday life (level B1 of the CEFR) as well as
  • Everyday knowledge about life in Germany and knowledge about German culture and recent history.

It consists of two course parts

  • a language course of 600 teaching units and
  • an orientation course of 100 teaching units

Each lesson lasts 45 minutes.

You must complete both parts with a test.

Responsible department

the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF)



  • You have a
    • Residence permit
      • for the purpose of gainful employment (self-employed and employed gainful employment),
      • for the purpose of family reunification
      • for humanitarian reasons or
      • as a long-term resident
    • Settlement permit
      The Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) has granted you an admission permit on the basis of an order by the Federal Ministry of the Interior to safeguard particularly serious political interests of the Federal Republic of Germany.
  • You are staying in Germany permanently.
  • You can be admitted within the framework of available course places, provided that you
    • you have a residence permit (Aufenthgaltsgestattung)
    • have a toleration order for urgent humanitarian or personal reasons or because of substantial public interests, or
    • have a residence permit for temporary protection or for humanitarian reasons.

You are obliged to participate if you meet the above-mentioned requirements and

  • are not able to communicate in German at least in a simple manner
  • Receive benefits under Book II of the Social Code (e.g. Unemployment Benefit II) and have been requested to attend the integration course by the basic benefits agency for job seekers
  • are in particular need of integration and the foreigners authority has requested you to attend, or
  • have a residence permit, a toleration for urgent humanitarian or personal reasons or because of substantial public interests or a residence permit for temporary protection or for humanitarian reasons and receive benefits under the Asylum Seekers' Benefits Act and the competent benefits authority has requested you to attend an integration course.

There is no entitlement to participate

  • children, adolescents and young adults who are taking up school education or continuing their previous school career in Germany,
  • if there is a recognisably low need for integration or
  • if they have sufficient knowledge of the German language.

Foreigners are exempt from the obligation to attend,

  • who are undergoing vocational or other training in the Federal territory,
  • who provide evidence of participation in comparable educational programmes in the Federal territory,
  • whose participation is permanently impossible or unreasonable, or
  • who already have a long-term residence permit from another EU member state and have taken part in integration measures there.

Attention: Violation of the obligation to participate can lead to the refusal of the extension of a residence permit or to the refusal of a settlement permit.

If you receive benefits according to the Second Book of the Social Code, your benefits may be reduced by up to 30 per cent. In addition, the Foreigners' Registration Office is entitled to charge you the expected contribution to the costs of the course ahead of time.


The Foreigners' Registration Office will inform you about your eligibility or obligation to participate. It will issue you with a corresponding confirmation.
You can use the confirmation to register for an integration course at an approved course provider of your choice - if you are obliged to do so.

Note: At the same time as registering, you can also apply for exemption from costs.

The entitlement is only for one-time participation.


If you are obliged to attend an integration course, you must register for a course without delay.

Required documents

Confirmation of your eligibility or obligation to participate


  • Integration course and second language learner course: EUR 1,603.00
  • Special integration course: EUR 2,290.00
  • Repetition in each case: EUR 585.00
  • Intensive course: EUR 838.50

In the following cases, you do not have to pay course fees upon application:

  • If you receive benefits according to SGB II, assistance for subsistence according to SGB XII or according to the Asylum Seekers' Benefits Act.
  • If you receive unemployment benefits according to SGB III.
  • If gross remuneration is below a certain limit.
  • If bearing the costs would represent an unreasonable hardship.

The regional office of the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees responsible for your area is responsible for this.

Processing time

3 weeks



Release note

machine generated, based on the German release by: 22.06.2023 Sozialministerium Baden-Württemberg