
Procedure descriptions

Apply for health insurance for trainees, pupils and students

Trainees are automatically covered by compulsory health, nursing care, pension and unemployment insurance from the start of their vocational training. The option of family insurance through their parents no longer applies.

They must therefore also make additional payments. This does not apply to children and young people under the age of 18. There is always an excess for travelling expenses.

Pupils and students can remain on family insurance through their parents until they are 25 years old. This also applies to people who have completed a voluntary social or ecological year or federal voluntary service. Voluntary service can extend this period.

After that, they must also take out their own insurance.

Responsible department

Your health insurance company



  • You are completing vocational training or
  • You can no longer be covered by your parents' family insurance and
    • are studying,
    • are attending school or
    • are completing a voluntary social or ecological year or federal voluntary service.


Trainees must become members of a health insurance fund at the start of their vocational training. For more information, please contact a health insurance company of your choice.

Pupils and students must also insure themselves once their family insurance has expired. Contact the health insurance company of your choice for more information.


Please contact the health insurance company of your choice for further information.

Required documents



The contribution to health insurance is 14.6 per cent of the gross salary. 7.3 per cent of this is paid by trainees and 7.3 per cent by the employer. This 50/50 split also applies to the individual supplementary contribution.

If the trainee's salary does not exceed 325 euros per month, the employer pays the contribution alone. If the training allowance exceeds 325 euros due to a one-off payment (e.g. Christmas bonus or holiday pay), the trainee and the employer pay the contribution for the excess amount in equal shares. In the case of voluntary service, the assignment location generally bears the contribution alone.


If the training allowance does not exceed 325 euros per month, the employer bears the contribution alone. If the training allowance exceeds 325 euros due to a one-off payment (e.g. Christmas bonus or holiday pay), the trainee and the employer pay the contribution for the excess amount in the aforementioned proportions. In the case of voluntary service, the assignment location generally bears the contribution alone.

Legal basis

Sozialgesetzbuch Fünftes Buch (SGB V)

  • § 5 Versicherungspflichtige Personen
  • § 10 Familienversicherung
  • § 186 Beginn der Mitgliedschaft
  • § 249 Tragung der Beiträge

Sozialgesetzbuch Viertes Buch (SGB IV)

  • § 20 Abs. 3 Tragung der Beiträge für Auszubildende mit geringem Entgelt

Release note

machine generated, based on the German release by: Sozialministerium Baden-Württemberg, 17.06.2024