
Procedure descriptions

Apply for funding for initial equipment of rescue centres

For newly built rescue stations, the aid organisations can apply for funding for the initial equipment of the rescue stations.

Rescue services in Baden-Württemberg are provided by the following aid organisations on behalf of the state:

  • German Red Cross,
  • Workers' Samaritan Federation,
  • Johanniter-Unfall-Hilfe,
  • Malteser Hilfsdienst,
  • German Life Saving Organisation and the
  • Mountain rescue service.

Responsible department

The respective regional councils are responsible for authorising the funding. The regional council in whose district the measure to be subsidised is located is responsible.



In order to apply for funding for the initial equipment of rescue stations, you must be a member of an aid organisation and be commissioned to provide rescue services in Baden-Württemberg in accordance with the provisions of Section 23 (1) of the Rescue Services Act (RDG).


Applications for funding for initial equipment are submitted online. The procedure is as follows:

  • If you are planning to purchase initial equipment for a rescue station, contact the responsible regional council at an early stage to coordinate the plans.
  • You submit your application with the relevant attachments via the online application.
  • The regional councils will check the applications and calculate the funding amount.
  • The calculated funding amounts are proposed to the Ministry of the Interior for inclusion in the annual funding programme.
  • The Ministry of the Interior draws up the annual funding programme within the framework of the available budget funds and consults the State Committee for Rescue Services (LARD) in accordance with Section 2640 (42) RDG .
  • The final decision is made by the regional councils, as is the processing of payments and the checking of proof of utilisation.


You must have submitted the application documents to the responsible regional council by 31 March of the programme year.

Required documents

You must enclose the following documents with your application:

  • three comparative offers.


You will not incur any costs for the procedure.

Processing time

The examination of your applications by the responsible regional council takes three months. The final preparation of the annual funding programme by the Ministry of the Interior then takes place a further three months later.



Legal basis

Rettungsdienstgesetz (RDG):

  • § 40 Öffentliche Förderung des Rettungsdienstes
  • § 46 Besonndere Bestimmungen über die Finanzierungg des Luft-, Berg- und Wasser-Rettungsdienst

in Verbindung mit der

Verwaltungsvorschrift über die Förderung von Investitionen des Rettungsdienstes (VwV-F-RD)

Release note

Machine generated, based on the German release by: Innenministerium Baden-Württemberg, 31.01.2025