
Procedure descriptions

Apply for a certificate of presentation, apply for a transport licence

A certificate of presentation serves as confirmation that you have complied with the existing legal provisions for the protection of the species when acquiring a protected animal and plant species. You need a certificate of presentation to be able to apply for an import or export licence from the Federal Agency for Nature Conservation.

You require an import or export licence from the Federal Agency for Nature Conservation in particular to import, export or re-export specimens of protected animal and plant species listed in Annexes A, B or C.

A transport permit is an authorisation to transport animals within the European Union. You only require a transport permit for live animals listed in Annex A that have been taken from the wild and for which a specific location has been specified in a prior import permit or EU certificate.

Protected species include, for example

  • certain live animals and plants e.g. Greek tortoises, grey parrots
  • depending on the species, dead animals and plants, for example preparations, products (including powder), feather jewellery, fur coats, products made from ivory or furniture and instruments made from protected tree species

You can find out whether your species is protected and whether it is listed in Appendix A, B or C in the Wisia database of the Federal Agency for Nature Conservation. You can search for the species on the left-hand side under "Search" and "Enter search term (species name)". If an "A" is entered in the "EC" column that appears, it is an Annex A species (B and C analogue).

You can apply for the marketing authorisation online or by e-mail or post.

Forms/Online Services

Responsible department

The higher administrative authority responsible for you is responsible. This is the regional council in whose administrative district your animal/your specimen is located.



The certificate of presentation can be issued on request if the legality of the specimen can be proven. This may be the case if

  • the animal/plant/object was imported into the European Union or purchased before the species was protected,
  • it is an antique or
  • it concerns animals born and bred in captivity or artificially propagated plants.

There are other constellations in which a certificate of presentation can be issued.

Appropriate husbandry conditions must be provided at the destination for the transport authorisation. In addition, the Federal Agency for Nature Conservation or, depending on the situation, other authorities must approve the transport.


You can apply for the certificate of presentation and the transport authorisation from the competent authority in two ways:

  1. You can send the application online via the specialised procedure "MelBA-online".

In MelBA-online, you can - if necessary - register your animal (see the service "Animal husbandry notification") and permanently view your stock of live animals that you have registered via MelBA-online.

You have the option of applying for a submission certificate or a transport licence based on the herd with just a few additional details. Otherwise, you can also apply for this authorisation without a stock entry. The system supports you in entering the data and, if available, uses the information you have already entered for the specimen.

You can also apply for the additional marketing authorisation service here.

The system automatically sends your application to the authority responsible for you. You will also receive feedback on your application via the system. If the application is approved, you will receive the certificate by post.

To do this, register with MelBA-online and then log in: MelBA

is an independent specialised procedure outside the Baden-Württemberg service portal.

  1. On the website of the regional councils, you can download the application form from the regional council responsible for you, fill it in and send it to the regional council.


If you require a certificate of submission in order to apply for an import or export licence from the Federal Agency for Nature Conservation, you should allow sufficient time for both procedures. The certificate of presentation should be applied for at least four weeks before the planned application to the Federal Agency for Nature Conservation

The transport licence must have been issued before the animal is transported. The permit should therefore be applied for at least four weeks in advance.

Required documents

You must complete the fields required for the application via MelBA-online or submit a completed application. Depending on the individual case, you may need to submit further documents, e.g:

  • Proof of legal origin: Depending on the case, this could be:
    • Details of previous purchase, e.g. invoices, explanation of the trade route, accounts
    • EC import licence
    • Progeny confirmation from the nature conservation authority, proof of breeding from the breeder with details of the parent animals
    • Special authorisation/exemption from the competent authority for legal wild harvesting
  • If necessary, meaningful photos or, for live animals, labelling in accordance with the Federal Species Protection Ordinance
  • For an amendment/ correction of the certificate of presentation or the transport licence: Your invalid/outdated certificate


depending on the application

Release note

machine generated, based on the German release by: Umweltministerium Baden-Württemberg, 03.07.2024