Erstes Deutsches Kindergartenmuseum (First German Kindergarten Museum)
When you approach the non-descript building that houses the Erstes Deutsches Kindergartenmuseum (First German Kindergarten Museum) nothing from the outside suggests the real treasures hidden inside this building.

Within an area of about 200 square meters, there are innumerable exhibits about the history of kindergartens and education of preschool children, as well as the history behind kindergarten teaching with a focus on both the curriculum and the profession.
The collections are the vision of Herta Pelz, who is an expert adviser for Catholic day-care facilities at the Diözesan-Caritas-Verband e.V. Association. She developed the basic concept for the overall exhibition and today takes care of the collection. The objective of the collection is to provide an overview of preschool education and the different points of view in the profession.
All the exhibits have been donated. Many of the donations are items that are no longer used in our current kindergarten curriculum and profession, and were given to the museum.

There are book cases with specialty books about education in past eras, as well as children’s books, nursery rhymes collections, finger games, poems and prayers. This museum reminds many visitors of their kindergarten days.

For the mueum's Hours of operation, please visit their website.