Tourist information

At our tourist information office in the Bürgerzentrum (Civic Center) - in the pedestrian zone - you will find all the information you need for a comfortable and interesting stay in Bruchsal. In addition, the office will provide you with comprehensive information about the sights and services of the Bruchsal Region. Our team is looking forward to helping you with personalized advice and ideas.

Please visit the Bruchsal Tourism website for more information on events, brochures and souvenirs at

Tourist information
Am Alten Schloss 22
76646 Bruchsal
Phone +49/7251/50594-60
Telefax +49/7251/50594-65

Office hours:
Monday to Tuesday

9am to 5pm
Friday and Saturday
9am to 1pm


Stadt Bruchsal
Hauptamt, Abt. IV
Kaiserstraße 66
76646 Bruchsal
Tel: 07251/79-456