Deutsches Musikautomaten - Museum (German Museum of Mechanical Musical Instruments) in the Bruchsal Baroque Palace
The miracles of human ingenuity can be seen in a permanent exhibition at the Badener Landesmuseum (Baden State Museum).
The Deutsche Musikautomaten-Museum (German Museum of Mechanical Musical Instruments) in Bruchsal offers one of the world’s largest special collections of mechanical instruments with more than 500 historical exhibits that represent the development of mechanical musical instruments from the 17th to the 20th century.

Here, you will see rare exhibits such as a cabinet-like concert orchestrion music machine (which replaced a 40-persons string orchestra at the Royal House of Savoy and is considered the world’s largest nickelodeon), a radiogram with a flute playing mechanism from the possession of Maria-Theresia, former Empress of Austria, a concert orchestrion from the former Italian Royal House, and a radiogram which the Emperor Napoleon presented to his sister as a gift as well as live demonstrations of the instruments.
In addition, a silent-movie cinema, a historical restaurant (which may be rented for private parties) and a ballroom adds to the authentic ambiance of the theater.
Visitors are free to explore the museum without a guide and are welcome to operate some of the instruments.
More information on the museum ca be found on their website.